When things seem to get really bad!
Sometimes things seem to get so bad that it seems nothing will ever work. These times make it most difficult to rely on the healthy self...

What is a healthy boundary?
Setting healthy boundaries is crucial to a healthy parenting relationship. Too many parents think that boundaries are reward and...

Entitlement in the home
There are many frustrations and arguments that come from difficult teens acting entitled in the home. Parents try and try to teach...

Your journey and their journey!
Often parents shame or embarrassment of their child plays too large a role in the relationship that parent holds with their child. You...

Diagnosis and Medication
Be careful with diagnosis and medication. If you push hard enough you can find a psychiatrist to give you the meds you think your child...

Perfect Decisions
So many parents are obsessed with making the perfect decisions in parenting and with getting their children to make perfect decisions. ...

Planting Seeds and Patience
Many parents become so frustrated, angry, sad, and disheartened because they're child is not living or acting in a way that is in line...

Influential Parenting
It is so important to get away from trying to persuade, cajole, manipulate, and control your teens. I want you to get in the frame of...